Nayuta Inc. launches a field trial to explore the usability of the payment system for Bitcoin with Lightning Network at Awabar Fukuoka from May 31st.

Pick Up

Nayuta Inc., hereinafter Nayuta, (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Japan; CEO: Kenichi Kurimoto)
kicks off the field experiment at Myojowaraku (location: Chuo-ku, Fukuoka), followed by Fukuoka
Growth Next, hereinafter “fgn.,” (location: Chuo-ku, Fukuoka), a start-up support facility
empowered by the city of Fukuoka.

Nayuta will install the real-time payment system using “Lightning Network,” the second-layer technology of Bitcoin, on a trial basis, at Awabar Fukuoka located within fgn. for a month from May 31st to June 30th.

On the Lightning Network payment system, Nayuta uses BTCPay Server, a payment service
developed as an open source, bitcoind, and Ptarmigan, a Lightning Network software for which
Nayuta served a central development role.

Nayuta will provide support in the following areas:
management of Node and Channel, provision of the liquidity required for the Lightning Network
payment, and introduction of the payment flow.

The opportunity provides Bitcoin users and potential users with hands-on experience of real-time
payment service by Lightning Network, possibly the next payment solution in the future.

You can watch a video demonstrating how Lightning Network payment system works here:

About Lightning Network

Lightning Network is a second-layer technology of Bitcoin. The technology enables several features,
such as the real-time payments with lower transaction fees while achieving high TPS (Transactions
per seconds) performance. Especially noteworthy is its micropayment (minute amount) capability
with the potential to cultivate new markets.

A comment from Awabar Fukuoka

We have acknowledged Nayuta for their high level of contribution to technology as well as our
community. So, we were delighted when Nayuta first contacted us with their offer and we naturally
agreed to the experimental launch. The role we play in this field experiment is rather small, but we
hope it helps familiarize the community with the Lightning Network payment system.

About Nayuta

Since its establishment in March 2015, Nayuta has worked to develop technologies primarily on the
second-layer technology of public blockchain.

The company has engaged in the global community as an active contributor to Lightning Network, as well as contributed to the development of an application utilizing the second-layer technology in collaboration with business companies.

In the days ahead, Nayuta plans to specialize Ptarmigan capabilities in nodes that operate on small
hardware and develop systems to combine the software and other implementations.

Currently under development or development consideration, are LApps, LApps development software, Lightning Network Adoption for cryptocurrency exchange service, and token payment software for the
Lightning Network.

If you are a business operator and interested in collaborating on any of these projects, please contact

About Nayuta

About Ptarmigan, Lightning Network software

For Inquiry on Press Release, please contact
Public Relations Officer: Hitomi Moriyama